• St George and Sutherland Shire areas
  • Mon – Fri 8am – 5pm | Sat 8am – 3pm



If you have found termites in your home, the most important thing is DO NOT DISTURB THEM.
Don’t remove any damaged timber and do not spray them with anything, which is a common mistake homeowners make.
If disturbed, the termites can retreat and then relocate to another area of your home. This can then prolong the colony elimination process.

Termite Inspection

Protect your biggest asset with a comprehensive visual termite inspection. Our skilled and experienced pest control technicians use thermal imaging cameras, moisture meters, Termatrac and borescope technology to detect and assess the presence of termites in your home or business. Through a meticulous examination of both interior and exterior areas, including roof voids (if accessible), foundations, subfloors (if accessible) and more, we leave no stone unturned in identifying these destructive pests. We will spend the time to go through your inspection report with you and help identify areas of risk and give you tips on how to reduce to risk termites coming to your home.

Active Termite Treatment

If you have termites at your home or business, we will provide you with a proposal and quotation for eradication. There are a number of treatments that can be provided, depending on the species and area of attack.

Termite Prevention Barriers and Baiting Systems

All homes are different. Depending on the type of home you have and the foundations it is built on, different types of Termite Preventative treatments are available. Our termite preventive treatments include chemical barrier treatments, monitoring and baiting system and reticulation systems. Please contact us for a free measure to quote a termite preventative treatment for your home or business.

Pre and Post Construction Barriers

We work together with builders, developers and home owners with the best options for pre and post construction termite preventatives for your home or business. All new builds are now required to have a termite preventive treatment in place. Call us for an obligation free quote.

Partner with Jitterbug Pest and Termite Solutions for Reliable residential and Commercial Pest Control:

Trust the experts at Jitterbug Pest and Termite Solutions when protecting your home and business from pests. With our experience, expertise, and commitment to quality, we ensure your property remains pest-free for peace of mind all year round, allowing you to focus on what matters most.

Together, let's create a safe, healthier and pest-free environment for your business.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation or learn more about our Commercial and Residential pest control services.

Email: admin@jitterbugpest.com.au  |  Phone: 02 9553 9939 |  Mobile: 0478 949 948

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